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Manifesto KORD

Manifesto KORD
  • 2022-05-09
  • KORD

Manifesto KORD



Bearing in mind that Poland is in crisis brought about by a coup on the foundations of our constitutional order, we decide that the crucial point of the programme for Poland is to acknowledge the construction of the democratic state of law.


Bearing in mind that Poland’s position in Europe and the world is becoming weaker and our country is facing a serious safety threat, we decide that the necessary point of the programme for Poland is to prepare a scenario for our country’s return to the role of an important player in international policy.


Bearing in mind that Poland’s membership in the European Union has been fundamental in the strategy of development of security for our society since regaining the sovereign existence in 1989, we decide that the plan to speed up integration of Poland with the states of the EU is becoming the necessary point of the programme for our country.


Bearing in mind that an important reason of the crisis of democratic order in our country is appropriation of all power by political parties’ machines, we decide that the necessary point of the programme for Poland is to create an order based on clear principles in politics with the citizens as the prime movers and subjects.


Bearing in mind that the state controls majority of the national economy and it’s treated by political parties as their property, we decide that an important point of the programme for Poland will be the fundamental reform of state-owned companies so as they function effectively, are substantially managed and cover only the necessary scope of the market. Reintroduction of widespread economic self-government in Poland.


Bearing in mind that Poland is still not a country respecting women’s rights, including their right to decision about parenthood and equal treatment in every domain of the social life, we decide that the necessary point of the programme for Poland will be the requirement to adopt women’s rights both in the applicable law and practice of public life.


Bearing in mind that Poland is still not a country fully respecting the rights of all minorities, we decide that the programme for Poland will include a point concerning legal and institutional protection of all minorities: ethnic, religious, sexual, and of people with disabilities.  


Bearing in mind that the political party system became totally disconnected from real social life, which was one of the causes of strengthening of the current undemocratic course, we decide to acknowledge as necessary the point of the programme for Poland to create a system of democratisation of political parties and their transparency.


Bearing in mind that the neglect due to imperfect construction of public life resulted in social solidarity crisis, diminishing the areas of possible dialogue and empathy, we decide that an important point of the programme for Poland will be reconstruction of the fundamentals of social relations according to the idea of humanism, including counteracting social exclusion on any grounds.


Bearing in mind the substantial illicitness build-up in Poland resulting from search by politicians of support of the catholic church, we decide to work on methods to obtain a real division of the state and the church and religious associations, including  a transparent system of financing religious institutions.


Bearing in mind that Poland belongs to the states most neglected ecologically in Europe and the world, we decide as indispensable element of the programme for Poland to make every organisational effort to radically improve the situation in power industry, to make it more rational, environment friendly, as well as to obtain rational forest economy and maintain the natural balance of the ecosystem.


Bearing in mind that after almost thirty years from regaining independence Poland is still far away from the developed countries, while simultaneously alarming cultural tendencies are building up, followed by political ones, we decide that the field of education must be one of the crucial points of the programme for Poland. The way to good upbringing and education is through the empowerment of teachers, students and parents. It is indispensable to constantly improve the quality of education but also introduction of the system of permanent education and care of the educational aspect of teaching and self-education.


Bearing in mind that the shape of contemporary civilisation depends mainly on the development of science, not only technology but also of basic science and social sciences, we decide to include the strategy of development of the Polish science as the main point of the programme for Poland.


Bearing in mind that the functioning of society is based to a large and growing extent on the access to honest information, we decide to recognise as one of the most important element of the programme for Poland a deep reform of the public media and strengthening of media impartiality, confronted with attempts of political influence by the government.


Bearing in mind that the area of culture and artistic expression is becoming the source of conflict and subject of political manipulation, very often on the verge of censorship, we decide to recognise the value of unhampered creative freedom as especially important element of the shaping of social order and to take up the question of guaranteeing full freedom in culture while maintaining and developing the state patronage as an important point of the programme for Poland.


Bearing in mind that one of the gravest problems the contemporary world is facing is mass migration, while Poland has not introduced any coherent policy nor reliable studies since it attained democracy, we decide to put the urgent question of migration policy – rational, safe and humanitarian – in the centre of the programme for Poland. We must create suitable institutions to deal with the problem, which is both a challenge and civilizational opportunity.


Bearing in mind that the principle of asylum granted to the most needy is one of the most important in the world system of respecting human rights, that Poland voluntarily took on the treaty obligation in this field, but also that our country is indebted to do it because the Polish people in large numbers sought refuge in safe countries from the 18th until the 20th century, we decide that the programme of solid protection for people threatened by persecution or war will be realised by Poland to the largest possible extent. Therefore, as an important point of the programme for Poland we recognise working out of a safe and effective system of asylum on the Polish soil.


Bearing in mind that we live in time of social transformations creating favourable conditions for fears and frustrations easily becoming totalitarian ideologies questioning human dignity and human rights, we decide that as a point especially important today in the programme for Poland we will acknowledge prosecution of activities resulting in the rise of hatred and intolerance, among which the most dangerous in Poland are now neo-fascist ideologies. We also recognize the necessity to take up a serious work on a system of prevention of the rise and building up of such phenomena.


Bearing in mind that in modern democratic states their effective realisation of tasks is based on successful and transparent administration that draws on the best available knowledge, and considering the scale of the Polish political parties’ appropriation of state structures, we decide that the functioning of an apolitical public administration should be based on the principles of professionalism and competition in recruitment of the best specialists in civil service, on constant aiming at the highest standards in the provision of public services, on transparent realisation of public policy, undergoing regular evaluation and assessment.